


Moltensteelman studio is not a commercial business; it is an inspiring creative journey and a labor of love. We are pretty much just regular people who work our regular jobs and live our regular lives and then we somehow squeeze out more time and resources to bring this vision to life. We haven’t figured it all out yet, but we know we are headed into the future, and we know we can’t get there without the help of our fans and friends. Please click the Paypal "Donate Now" button below, and your contribution will greatly be appreciated, thank you.
If you’re interested in signing up on our mailing list please email us at: mailinglist@moltensteelman.com

Your $50.00 donation helps make our work even bigger and better, and nets you the premium collection of Moltensteelman goodies.  And a big thank you!  You get one of each item. Pin or stitch our triangle patch on your hat, coat or bag, slap the Flamboni magnet on your fridge or workbench, and share the fun by displaying both stickers and a souvenir postcard featuring The Walking Beast. This assortment makes an inspiring gift for that inventor, tinkerer or budding genius on your list.    
Cutting Torch Arc Welder Solenoid Starter
Your $25.00 donation goes a long way to   A $10.00 donation is a lot of help too. Do you   $5.00 donations are really appreciated. 
help keep us in production. We go through a   have any idea how much pop rivets and quarter-   Every donation we receive from our fans
lot of welding wire and wear out a lot of   turn ball valves are going for these days? To   goes directly to our projects and believe us, it
grinding wheels in the studio, and in   show our thanks, we’ll send you our popular   helps a lot.  In thanks you’ll receive a
appreciation for your gift, we’ll send you the   Flamboni magnet, a Moltensteelman sticker and   Moltensteelman Sticker and souvenir
Moltensteelman embroidered triangle patch   our souvenir postcard of The Walking Beast.   postcard of The Walking Beast that you can
to wear with pride, a Moltensteelman sticker,       display to show you’re part of the studio
a Flamboni sticker and our souvenir postcard       team.  
of The Walking Beast. Thank you for your        


Are you interested in making a donation, but really not looking for more stickers, patches, magnets or postcards?  We can certainly appreciate that.  Make a donation in any amount you choose and we’ll make sure every penny is well spent.  Thank you!

Donations can be sent via Paypal using moltensteelman@netscape.net in any amount.


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